Who profits from your FEARS?

José de Sousa
5 min readMar 18, 2022

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Besides and before your job title or professional occupation you are something else, that truly defines you, do you know what that is?

Before everything else that you do, you are a person… you are HUMAN!

Maybe it is important for you at the moment in your busy professional life being a CEO, an Executive, a Director, a Team leader or line manager, that you move from “Being a Human DOING” to “BEING A HUMAN BEING”…?

How does this make you feel now that you are reading this?

What thoughts, feelings and emotions come to you now?

Please take a moment to accept my challenge, and… after reading these suggestions, please do this process:

Close a bit your eyes, and focus on your breathing… start taking a deep inhalation, and while you are doing this, visualize, think and feel that you are inhaling a breath of fresh and purifying air, that is giving you new and refreshing energy, that is cleaning your cells, your organs, your overall body… push the air really deep into your belly, and if you can, retain the air there for 2 or 3 counts or seconds, and when you cannot hold it anymore… exhale intensely as well, let the air go out of your mouth, even emitting an audible ahhhh

When you do this, visualize, think and feel that you are letting the stress, the pressures, the toxicity going out of your cells, organs, and overall body…

Keep doing this for one or two minutes more and notice how you are feeling afterwards.

This is a natural process that can help you immensely when you feel stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, unsure of what to do, or just afraid, or fearing something.

Nothing will harm you when you do this, you are just doing something you do the whole day, and you don’t notice! You are just breathing! If you don’t breathe for a long period of time, what happens? You may die…

I think you may want to keep being alive, so, give yourself some times during your busy days, to keep breathing, in a conscious way!

After you do this, some insights may come to you, and some may be about the time, and energy; that you may have wasted, too many times in the past, worrying, letting your thoughts expand into negativeness, darkness, hopelessness, and generating emotions, that most likely you don’t appreciate!

How does this (probably) habitual way of you reacting to challenging situations make you feel?

How else would you like to be acting, consciously in these situations?

One thing is to define how you would like to be acting and doing, other thing is to be able to actually ACT DIFFERENTLY and BEING different in those moments…

How can you move from Doing to BEING?

Well, it’s easy… not SIMPLE…

Just keep practicing… breathing, and focusing on expanding your thoughts and emotions in a more positive and solution focused way… you will start to BE and BECOME different in the process…

And hopefully, you will be able to start BEING more in Control of your LIFE, you will FEEL better, GAIN more time and ENERGY and WASTE less time, energy, health and even MONEY!

Hopefully you will be able to do something that you may think now as impossible…

Please let me explain a bit deeper.

In the end of August 2019, I wrote this article and posted it into LinkedIn — Who profits from your fears.


This was posted 6 months before the pandemic it us hard, from February / March 2020 onward, for 2 years!

Could I imagine or anticipate what was coming? Of course not!

I just saw a poster / billboard of a movie in a bus stop, and it drove me to write about that.

However, maybe… just maybe…, it’s AGAIN the BEST TIME for you to think deeply and reflect on this!


Is it the media? Pharmaceuticals? Governments? Fast food chains? Snack companies? Any companies that sell products that give you a sense of immediate comfort, but that about 30 mins or so later, you are again feeling down, afraid, anxious, and craving for more of the same you took to ease that discomfort and put that FEAR away?

What is on the other side of the COIN of your Fear(s) ? Is it courage? Is it Power? What else is there??

Dare to Flip to Coin and start seeing what’s possible for you!

More importantly…

How can you move from the question: “WHO PROFITS FROM YOUR FEARS?”

to the question:


That is the question I leave you with, as this article is already too long already.

If what you just read made you think deeply and made you feel that you better start doing some things differently in your life as a HUMAN, even before you as a CEO, Executive, Director, Team leaders, Line manager, etc… I am available to have a conversation with you about this.

Thank you so much for having dedicated time to me and to reading this article, I truly appreciate it and I am very grateful to be able to help you move from Doing to BEING, so that you BECOME a HUMAN BEING in your true ESSENCE.

I hope the time and energy you invested in reading this was useful to you.

Please send me a direct message on LinkedIn, and I’ll be glad to help and support you.


Yours Truly,

José de Sousa

#fear #yesyouensuresuccess @energywithoutcoffee #themidastouch #human #humandoing #humanbeing #become #profit

If you like what you read here and want to learn more about The Midas Touch, and how it can help you and your organization think and reflecty more strategically, send me a message on LinkedIn — https://www.linkedin.com/in/jose-desousa/

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José de Sousa

Passionate about empowering people and helping them uncover what is in the way of achieving great successes. I'm 100 % sure that YES!-You Ensure Success!